As part of executing the activities of the Fungal Conservation in South-Saharan Africa Darwin main project 30-020 (FC-SSA), a project team composed of Dramani Ramdan, Wilfrid Adjimoti and field manager Saidou M. Gnanando carried out the ‘Official launch of the forest seed harvesting campaign and discussions with nursery growers in the villages benefiting from the FC-SSA Project.’ In these villages, teams of 6 to 10 people with more than 50% women were formed for the installation of nurseries, monitoring and maintenance of the plants. They were trained on identifying target species (Afzelia africana, Isoberlinia tomentosa, Isoberlinia doka, Uapaka togolensis, Berlinia grandiflora and Monotes kerstingii) and seed conditioning. Cash collection and storage equipment was also provided to these teams. Together they collected more than a hundred seeds. This mission helped to promote the FC-SSA Project through distributing t-shirts bearing the image of the project to the nursery groups formed