From February 26 to March 3, 2024, a field mission was carried out as part of the FC-SSA project. The team consisted of Mr. Wilfrid Adjimoti and Apollon Hegbe. The objective of the mission was to establish nurseries and install plaques bearing the project’s image in several localities. The sites involved for nursery were Tassigourou, Tamendé, Papatia and Babazaoré. During this mission, over 3,500 seeds of native species, including Monotes kerstingii, Afzelia africana and Isoberlinia, were planted in the newly created nurseries. Local populations actively participated in these activities. Plaques with the FC-SSA project name were also installed in seven forests involved in the project. This action aims to mark the project’s presence and get local communities involved. The team would like to highlight the warm welcome received in each town and the residents’ active mobilization around these different activities. The FC-SSA project appears to be well accepted and supported by the concerned populations. The mission took place according to schedule. The objectives were successfully achieved.