Fungal Conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa:
sustainability and livelihood implications
As part of the FC-SSA project’s beneficiary expansion, a dedicated team presented the project last week to the authorities and local communities of ten newly villages (Koka, Koré, Koubirou, Makrou-Wirou, Ablodé, Kouandaka, Koupeiko, Fouctoum, Yakabissi, Yaoukossi). During this meeting, a detailed overview of the project’s objectives, activities, and expectations was provided. The local communities, turning out in large numbers, warmly embraced the initiative and pledged to collaborate closely with the project team to ensure the preservation of their forests. This enthusiastic response underscores the strong commitment of the communities to support the project’s goals.
On April 5th, 2024, the University of Parakou hosted the launch of the book « Champignons comestibles d’Afrique de l’Ouest », a collaborative effort between the Meise Botanical Garden and the MyTIPS research unit. This nine-chapter work comprehensively explores aspects of West African mycology, ranging from the climates influencing fungal diversity to the illustrated descriptions of edible species, including their cultivation, valorization, and identification. Its publication serves as a further step in the ongoing initiatives focused on conserving the rich fungal biodiversity in sub-Saharan Africa, of « Fungal Conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa » Project.